Monday, February 15, 2016

How Quickly your Organization is Migrating to Hybrid Cloud?

The prominence of Cloud technology has been established among companies of all sizes and among different verticals. Organizations across the globe are fast migrating towards Cloud and it’s something that has helped them gain quite phenomenally in terms of efficiency, productivity and overall cost reduction. 

Hybrid Cloud is Indeed the Future of Cloud Computing

Incorporating Cloud technologies, especially the Hybrid Cloud, has become the priority of most organizations. In such migrations however, there are a lot of considerations to be taken. Hybrid Cloud has fast become a subject of priority for enterprises as survey reveals 29 percent respondents leveraging Hybrid Cloud while those preferring Public Cloud & Private Cloud was found to be 27 & 23 percent respectively. 10 percent even assign equal importance to Public and Private Cloud.  


Though most of the worries of organizations embracing Hybrid Cloud have reduced to a bare minimum, reducing Cloud costs still remains a posing challenge. In 2015, while 24 percent IT managers across the globe considered it a huge challenge ahead, the percentage has gone up by 2 percent this year too. However, companies have already started planning to implement ways of shrinking Cloud-related costs.

Overcoming Challenges in Hybrid Cloud Adoption is Crucial too…
A large number of vendors have pushed organizations to embrace Cloud as this allows these firms to deploy a specific vendor application. Both private & public clouds have been embraced by organizations as the cost-effective substitute to on-premises IT. Enterprises have also realized the need to adopt the Hybrid Cloud approach as it would allow them leverage data & applications irrespective of being in datacenter or public/private Cloud.
However, hybrid cloud environment also demands fail-proof security and governance besides the ability of smooth working of Cloud & data center apps together while exchanging data quickly. Organizations across the globe are adopting different strategies to make this vision come true. However, there are a number of barriers encountered while doing so. Hence, the need of time is also formulate strategies for overcoming such barriers.

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